Thursday, 14 November 2019


High Vapour Pressure system: The gist of operating instructions, emergency shutdown ESD , Trip set pressures shall be displayed in the control room and near all important operating equipment Offshore — Areas beyond the line of ordinary high water along that portion of the coast that is in direct contact with the open seas and beyond the line marking the seaward limit of inland coastal waters. This bonding shall be maintained when the pipeline and main is separated as shown in the Annexure- VII. Murthy Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. The discharge of TRVs shall be connected to flare or vent system wherever available. oisd 214

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Mainline valves should be installed after successful pressure testing of the pipeline.

oisd 214

For Carbon content more than 0. A regular flow balance record shall be maintained preferably automatically, to assist detection of leakage.

140646128 List of Oisd Standards

This document is meant to be used as supplement and not as a replacement for existing codes and practices. NDT records of welds g. An intermediate pigging station is and installation having facility for receiving and launching of pigs for pipeline cleaning operation.

oisd 214

If station CP is not provided pipe surface on each side of the isolating joint should be protected oixd contact with soil for a length of 2 to 5 meter of the pipe to prevent concentrated flow of current from section to section around the pipeline. Cl Annual Corrossion Coupon Cl.

oisd 214

Crossing of two or more pipelines. Emergency caused by third party activity Sabotage Strike by employees Medium velocity sprinkler system having remote and local oiad deluge valve with spray density The coating shall be such that it can be easily applied in osd conditions. Supports and anchors shall be fabricated from suitable materials. An intermediate delivery station on the pipeline is an installation having facility to deliver product to any consumer s through a tapping from the main pipeline.

Low ductility materials such as cast iron, semisteel, malleable iron and cast aluminium shall not be used in any pipe. In addition to protective coating, buried pipelines shall also be provided with cathodic protection system.

As far as practicable, crossings shall be made at right angles.

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We need your help to maintenance this website. Hot Tapping and Stoppling Technique is used for pipelines replacement. Operating Pressure It is the pressure corresponding to a particular flow rate at which pipeline is operated. Geometric survey reports and repairs, if any, carried out.

Following surveys are recommended: A wall thickness allowance for corrosion is not required if pipe and component are protected against corrosion. To detect the odour, the following procedure may be adopted: Mitred bends are not permitted in mainline. LPG has only a very faint smell, therefore, ethyl mercaptan is normally used 2114 stanching agent for identifying the leakage as per IS: Insulation and weather proofing shall be fire retardant.

Pump shall have flooded suction. Vapour pressure may be determined at any other temperature and converted to C by means of suitable vapour pressure- temperature graph. Bonding is the process by which two electrical conducting bodies are connected using oid conductor to maintain electrical continuity to prevent sparking between two conducting bodies.

Improper Launching of pig B. Quarterly 14 Internal corrossion monitoring Mention of Inhibitor Injection system, Corrossion coupons, Corrossion probes exists but no frequency defined. The field joints shall be protected with a coating material that is compatible with a line pipe coating material.

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Once in 10 years Cl At isolating joints with facilities for measurement of details for both sides of the isolating joints. Use of casings for crossings shall be avoided unless required by the authorities having jurisdiction over the facility being crossed.

A high point vent to safe height minimum 3 M above the pump in case of no pump shed or 1.

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