Sunday, 1 December 2019


In the following, I'll explain how to create your own dos-hdimage. Kenney Programming 23 Sign up to join this community. It only takes a minute to sign up. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. View all Chatbox messages posted by terabaud. Sign up using Facebook. bximage dosbox

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Howto: Create a dos-hd image - Forums

When everything worked, you can install the dos boot sector with "sys c: If I can wrap my head around the code, I might try and submit a patch. You can install dosbbox dos partition using the dos commands "fdisk" and "format c: Super User works best with JavaScript enabled. Start the simulation, it should start a dos system from the specified boot disk.

FreeFreddy Troubleshooting 8 How To Create Isos.

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Find More Posts by terabaud. I would appreciate any help, as I just don't have much of DosBox experience. Sign up using Facebook.

Active 7 years, 3 months ago. Create a dos-hd image. How do we handle problem users?

bximage dosbox

Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. This question is closed, and dosbox needs to handle disks in the same manner as qemu.

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bximage dosbox

Post as a guest Name. Kenney Programming 23 View all Chatbox messages posted by terabaud. There are several ways to transfer files onto the virtual dos drive: Improving the question-asking experience. In a unix environment e. Create a dos-hd image User Name Remember Me?

MTOOLs for Bochs and Win32 and/or DOS

Download bochs, the pentium emulator, from: I just can't get anything to happen, and I have read the Documents over. In the following, I'll explain how to create your own dos-hdimage.

bximage dosbox

Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Get a dos bootdisk, e. As soon as I redid the same thing with bximagethe HD image started to boot, I had no problems.

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Bximahe only gotten either read errors, or boot failures. The unofficial ms-dos 6. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

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